Lisfranc, Lisfrancs, Lisfrank, Lesfranc etc....
This is an extremely rare type of foot injury
which is most often, historically at least,
associated with horse riders...
In recognition of how difficult it is, currently, to find the right sort of information about
- the level of recovery to be expected
- and the associated timescales
to provide Mutual Help and Support with the non-medical aspects of the recovery
The Club is currently available via this Facebook Page (click here to visit),
but once a core group has been established
- the intention is to provide a dedicated site and/or forum which will allow members to contact each other by mutual, private agreement
A blog with tips, info and some much needed light relief, is currently being put together
- watch this space and/or the Facebook page for more news on that....
btw - the correct spelling is Lisfranc, after a 19th century French medic
and the correct pronunciation is 'lee-fronk' (one word).
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