Tuesday, 19 June 2012

extreme roadwork UK

you're on a busy road...

the traffic just keeps coming
in a steady stream....

and then you hear the siren approaching!!

good news - he did switch off that siren (momentarily)

but he didn't slow down and those blue lights kept flashing

this was a true test of my horse's training......

and she did me proud
on her extreme roadwork test

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  1. My old pony did -only it was a big fire engine on a country lane on a steep hill! LINDA VIA FACEBOOK

  2. amazing , hand on my heart and all honesty my 2 mares would of passed this with flying colours , sadly no longer with us lost magic feb this year and the year b 4 brandy , they never put a foot wrong in all the years i had them and were awesome in traffic, it great to see your horse so great in traffic especially wen the police went past, fantastic trust between horse and rider , well done , this group is 100% brill . keep it coming x JULIE ANN VIA FACEBOOK

  3. U should pass this to the ambulance service as a trained response driver. This is unacceptable from what I can see. Lucky your horse is so good x CARRIE VIA FACEBOOK

  4. I can vouch for Rodney - we had a Police car come whizzing by us on Bank Holiay Tuesday and did not bat an eye lid - a bird or a rabbit he would do a hop skip and jump :) JOANNE VIA FACEBOOK

  5. My mare does this all the time the road i ride on has sirens daily and there are some blind bends - but i wouldnt ride this road if i knew she wasn't safe. she doesnt bat an eyelid the person driving the car is more worried about seeing me than my horse is.. lol

    1. thanks for the input anon...
      shows what can be done with good training and a calm rider
      best regards

  6. I had a fire engine pass me on a single track road, didn't slow down, didn't turn lights or siren off, I had time to squeeze into a gateway ( gate was closed) thought I was going to die. My usually mad, spooky pony didn't even blink, she was amazing! ANNA VIA FACEBOOK

    1. Mmm don't fancy my chances of surviving that one!! Well done LESLEY VIA FB

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ummmm... how could i be recording it from 20 m away and be riding the horse ??????

    2. i think its pretty clear someone was videoing the rider from a distance, the fact an emergency vehicle passed at the time was purely chance, but shows what taking the time to train horses properly and effectively can do. i agree no horse is 100% in traffic 100% of the time, u never know whats round the corner, coming up from behind you or whats in the bushes.U take chances whenever u ride out on the roads, i think its pretty clear from watching the video that no one is pratting around tbh. Ive been out riding and a police car come flying past with lights flashing and luckily my horse was fine, it happened so quick there was no way i could of got out the way and there was no way the police car could of slowed down either MICHELLE VIA FB

    3. thanks Michelle - and thanks for actually WATCHING the video before commenting - as you rightly observe, the video was not taken to record that incident, it happened whilst the video was running - god if we were that quick on the draw with our mobile cameras we'd be starring in Westerns...

    4. original comment removed at poster's request... in summary the point they wished to make was that the rider should not have been 'pratting around' on the road whilst videoing with their mobile phone...

    5. If I was riding & felt it safer, for my sake, my horse & the public, then yes of course I would ask an emergency vehicle to slow down. Seems obvious to me, if they kill me ... then they would have to decide which call to attend first. NHS are overtaxed at the moment, would be lucky if another ambulance was available. LESLEY VIA FB

    6. She faces the horse so the horse can see the oncoming emergency vehicle, giving plenty of room on the opposite side of the road, she faced her horse towards it giving the horse more time to see what was going on, if she were to have moved onto the verge, the horses bum would of been facing the vehicle (due to not enough time to safely get her horse onto the verge & spin round with enough time for the horse to gather what is was), now correct me if im wrong but that horse would more likely of spooked not knowing where/what the noise/lights were coming from & suddenly getting nearer & suddenly racing past?? And if the horse did happen to spook, there could be a serious accident! I see nothing wrong with what the rider did, if anything i praise her for thinking ahead & allowing her horse plenty of time to see/hear it!! JOJO VIA FB

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think that in most cases this situation is more scary to the riders than the horses. The horses hear the sirens approaching from quite a distance and by the time the vehicle is in sight they are actually ok with it, and yes I have been in this situation with my ex racer and I was bricking it, I knew I was going to meet this police car on a bend, and if my horse was going to react, the police officer would have no time to respond, but my horse was absolutely fantastic, the car came past with sirens and lights going and he didnt bat an eyelid. Reading peoples comments above, it seems that everyone who has been in this situation has been pleasantly surprised at there horses reaction, and I for one, would prefer it if emergency vehicles came past with sirens on, rather than have a vehicle come past only to have the sirens switched back on as soon as they have gone past as it is a sudden noise which is far more frightening to them. RACHEL VIA FB

  10. police cars never slow down around us, we had one a while back coming down the 30mph lane with sirens on, doing probably around 50-60 - it flew past us, the only thing i could do it trot on to the nearest gateway when i heard the sirens.
    18 hours ago JULIE VIA FB

  11. Emergency services have Priority on roads over everything inlcuding horses ...... :-( IZI VIA FB

  12. Luckily the police round here are good with horses, but we have had one come around a corner with the lights and siren going and then turning them off when he saw us. Police in rural areas are generally understanding of horses and riders. ALI VIA FB

  13. Your horse didnt even blink!! x EL VIA FB
