Monday, 9 July 2012

bridling passion....

why do 'all' bridles (in the UK at least)   
now come with 
  • a flash noseband
  • and rubber reins
as standard...? 

as all bridles seem to come with a flash...
virtually everyone uses them
and so many riders think all horses need one...

it's a self perpetuating myth...

(not unlike the perception 
that all ponies
need a Pelham bit with roundings....!)

in addition
very few people know how to fit such nosebands correctly

for example
I find people frequently turn up for their first lesson with me
with a flash 'flapping' loosely on their horse's nose

personally, if I were a horse,

this constant flapping every stride would drive me to distraction...

so I would much rather a flash band is removed
than loosened

in fact my horses spend most of their lives completely 'nose band less'...

for a start it's one less thing to clean ;-}

and for newly broken horses
or those with bridling 'issues'
it's one less thing for you and the horse to have to 'cope' with

I don't have violent objections to flash nosebands being used
as long as
they are fitted correctly
and the rider genuinely needs a little more in the 'brakes department'
when jumping or out hacking (trail riding)
(although their use 'on the flat' is much more dubious...)

as, on balance,
I think a 'stronger' noseband
has less potential to cause damage to the horse 
in the 'wrong' hands
than a stronger bit...

I just don't see why
if I don't want to use a flash band
I am faced with 
the 'Hobson's choice' of 
  • either riding my horse with a strange little tab adorning his nose
  • or taking a knife to the noseband in an attempt to remove the attachment without ruining the bridle

after all
separate attachments to convert a cavesson into a flash 
are widely available...

so please, manufacturers and suppliers
just provide a cavesson noseband as standard...!

why do 'all' standard bridles (in the UK at least)
now come with rubber reins...?

I hate them with a vengeance
as they are 
  • too bulky 
  • and don't 'bend' round one's fingers properly
thereby preventing riders developing/experiencing any true 'feel' through the reins...

personally I would always advocate a good pair of 
  • medium thickness
  • webbing
  • Continental reins
as the ideal, day-to-day
set of reins to use....

what are your views on these two issues?
feel free to add a comment below...

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  1. I haven't used flashes for years, just plain cavessons. Think they're totally unecessary and I agree it really annoys me that most bridles automatically come with flashes hence I think its almost default people use them and they assume they should. MM VIA H&H FORUM

  2. Re rubber reins.Well leather reign with rubber grips. I agree. I tried really hard yesterday to keep the reign held properly in my hands but felt that they were too thick. I don't exactly have little hands either. Never really noticed it till yesterday then I've just read your blog and realised why. T VIA H&H FORUM

  3. I agree never use flash noseband to strap a mouth shut!! Used to use a grackle for x country/jumping, much more successful than a flash!! And I too hate rubber reins with a passion, dont own a set!! I ride with plain leather or my libbys nylon reins with half rubber grips, much softer and easier to 'feel' the horse with. ;-) SIAN VIA FB
