Sunday, 1 June 2014

am I a wimp...?

I find an awful lot 
of my (usually female) clients 
are way too hard on themselves....

their 'self talk' is 
don't be such a wimp 

when in fact they are being 
realistic about:
  • their ability
  • the risks
  • their confidence
  • their stress levels
  • and the likelihood of their succeeding (at this point in time)

if your gut 
- and your brain -
 are telling you that you're not 'up to this'
they just may be right...

particularly if you have genuine concerns about the risks! 

so am I advocating that
we should never:
  • stretch ourselves
  • work through our fear
  • attempt something new
  • etc....?

of course not!....

but there is absolutely no point in doing the above
if we are not currently
'in the right place' 
- both mentally and emotionally
to stand at least a 70% chance of succeeding...

that's not fair on us
and it's certainly not fair on the horse!

so we should just give up and go home, then?

well, on some occasions - YES
(e.g. when our stress levels are 'off the scale',
or we're simply in a 'foul' mood)

but often...
all it needs is for us to 
  • stop
  • take stock
  • refocus
  • and give ourselves sufficient space and time 
  • to get (back) 'in the zone'

then re-assess the situation or challenge
and our feelings about it....

there is absolutely no point 
attempting to do something
if you are convinced you won't succeed...

all you will ever achieve in such a situation is to  
prove yourself right...!

as I have said in other posts:-

the big trick is to...

learn to control and channel your fear
whilst being sensible and realistic about the risks 

if you would like some help and training on controlling fear I would strongly recommend you check out this on-line
Emotional Freedom Techniques event
which combines Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
with two other powerful techniques

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  1. Never a truer word was spoken! I like this a lot! - DENISE VIA FB
